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Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 NewsStructure of a national team for the European championship 2008 Following the results of the Ukrainian Championship which has passed in Kiev in the middle of May, the national team of Ukraine for participation in the European championship which will pass on June, 22-28nd in the Polish city of Zgorzelec is generated... [More] 05.06.2008 Two Ukrainians go to JapanWhile the national team of Ukraine prepares to the European championship, Arthur Kyshenko prepares to next Gran-Pri К-1. We will remind, that on July, 7th in capital of Japan fighters will make one more step to the Final. The matter is that organizers of competitions have a little changed regulations of definition of the champion... [More] 05.06.2008 Arthur Kyshenko has won in Japan! The latest news. SMS from Hiroshima from Yevtushenko Pavla: 11.04.2008 Peter Nakonechnyy is European Champion К-1 MAXOur sportsmen have perfectly acted on Gran Pri Europe К-1 MAX. Peter Nakonechnyy became the winner of this tournament. We congratulate Peter on this victory. Ivan Grigoryev has reached a semi-final, that is too quite good. We will remind, that all fights passed within one evening, and finalists had to spend on 3 fights. And now is more detailed ABT fights. [More] 11.04.2008 Photo album from the Cup of Europe
Thanks Natalia Kogan for photos 04.04.2008 К-1 МАХ EuropeThe organizers of К-1 МАХ Gran Pri Europe have sent pairs and schedule of fights , which will take place in Poland on April, 6th. We will remind, that our two fighters participate in this tournament - Ivan Grigoriev and Peter Nakonechnyj. 04.04.2008 Our sportsmen carry home three gold medals!!!We congratulate our fighters on excellent participation in Germany on the Cup of Europe. Three sportsmen and three gold medals. 100 %-s result. It is a pity, that there was no possibility to send all national team, the Cup would be exact ours. So, the champions of Europe were become:Маksym Kogan (60 kg), Ruslan Kalinyk (63,5 kg), Vladislav Usov (67 kg). All fighters participate in Male A category. WE CONGRATULATE!!! GOOD FELLOWS!!! 04.04.2008 On the Cup of Europe there will go only three fighters!In some days in the German city of Zingen starts the Cup of Europe on Muay Thai. (For the inquiry: Singen (Hohentwiel) - the city to Germany, the regional centre, is located in the federal earth Baden-Wurtemberg. The population of 45 thousand persons) The management of our federation has made decision not to send a national team on these competitions. It was not simple decision, but a financial question forced to go on it. After all in two months in Poland starts the European championship. It was necessary to choose, and Championship outweighed Cup. So, that the national team prepares for the European championship, and to Germany has gone small «secret detachment» in such structure: Boys we are ill for you! .... and wait for news 04.04.2008 |